plenWspólnota Gruntowa w Olsztynie      tel.: 734-995-161; 607-092-267 ul. Kühna 20, 42-256 Olsztyn
Fundacja Wspólnoty Gruntowej w Olsztynie


Knights Tournaments

Traditionally, the tournament begins with a knight’s parade from the castle to the parish church, which was built of stone from the castle walls in the 18th century. Knight’s chant of the Holy Mass Indulgence is a reference to the old Polish tradition, when the knights participated in the mass before the battle.
15th “Defense of the Olsztyn castle” is planned, which will be presented by reconstruction groups taking part in the show.
The best swordsmen and archers fight for the saber of Olsztyn Staroste and quiver funded by the Starosta of Częstochowa and the Mayor of Olsztyn Commune, during the struggle the audience can learn the secrets of camp life, try subzives, face the “safe sabers” and hit the shield with a bow.
For the families taking part in the competitions, the organizers have planned attractive prizes funded by the sponsors of the tournament.
The efficiency of riders and the beauty of horses will be admired by Małopolska Chorągwia Husarska, accompanied by a demonstration of falconers. The Nahorna Artillery’s council will take care of the attack power, Podolsky Regiment Officers will perform a black-gun show. The tournament will be recapitulated by the battle of 1587, in which the archduke’s army Maximilian Habsburg besieged the castle in Olsztyn and were repulsed by the heroic commander Kasper Karlinski.
The show will end with a joint polonaise and concert of the band.

The Board of Land Community in Olsztyn


Festival Disco Dance
